1. What does it do?

Our current drone is designed to fly for a maximum 40 minute round trip with 5 lbs (roughly 2.5 kg) of available payload mass.

The drone is designed for unpiloted operation, and determines its course by downloading a flight data package over a secure Bluetooth connection with your phone. Once downloaded, the flight can be executed and the monetary transaction processed in the application.

Because our drones navigate solely using GPS data and Proximity data, we have no need for onboard cameras.

Once arrived over a destination, our laser sighting technology makes for a landing rendezvous that nearly any smartphone user can manage.

2. How much does it cost?

Once operating, Touchdown Delivery will offer full-utility drone delivery for under $10 per flight. However, depending on the circumstances of investment, initial flight rates for the first 6-12 months of operation might be close to $13.50.

Currently, we are only disclosing the exact details regarding rates with potential investors.

3. Who invented it?

Bryan Dierking is the designer of the drone hardware and inventor of the economic model enabling the Touchdown Delivery Skynet.

The onboard programming and load cell only allows flight for payloads weighing 5 lbs or less. Heavier payloads will prevent the flight sequence from loading in the application.

4. What’s the heaviest package it can lift?

Yes. Because our drones never enter federal airspace (500’ minimum over rural, 1,000’ min over urban), these lights are mainly for ground visibility purposes.

To minimize light pollution, these lights are only emitting with their full intensity when landing and launching.

5. Can it fly at night?

A Skyway is a highly organized, open source drone flight optimization system which prioritizes safety.

Consolidating drone flight over major freeways and highways makes sense for many reasons!

  1. Noise pollution reduction.
    • oadways are already noisy, so small electric drones aren’t likely to even be noticeable above the threshold created by squealing brake pads, rumbling engines, and subwoofers on the asphalt.
  2. Light pollution reduction.
    • ajor roadways are already lit during the night, so adding a layer of drone traffic overhead will minimize environmental impact.
    • Light-critical places such as observatories and natural preserves are typically located significantly far away from major roadways.
  3. Optimal crash scenario.
    • ost people are covered while on a roadway by the roof of their vehicle.
    • Roadways are public, minimizing the possibility of private property damage.
    • Roadways are easily accessible, so any crashed vehicle would be easily recoverable.
  4. Inherently indicative of local demand for increased efficiency transport solutions.
    • arge volume roadways exist where large economies are present, and these economies are bustling with the types of small transactions Touchdown Delivery will serve.
  5. Provides opportunity for authority management.
    • ajor roadways provide opportunity for important security screening methods, such as Geiger Counters.
    • By funneling drone traffic through certain paths, it is easy to implement counting apparatus for keeping track of drone volume.
  6. An uncluttered sky over homes.
    • f drones can fly anywhere, we will have an unsightly swarm that adds a distracting layer to our already hectic cities.
    • Skyways consolidate drone traffic, making deliveries efficient and discrete.

6. What’s a Skyway?

Our drones are autonomous - they execute a flight plan securely transmitted from the user’s smartphone.

7. Who is flying it?

Improvements in battery technology and high speed electric motor performance have enabled Touchdown Delivery to design drones with the thrust margins necessary to deliver packages as heavy as 5 lbs.

8. How is it flying?

Absolutely. Safety is the guiding principle behind Skynet and our Skyways.

While we haven’t assembled a prototype drone yet, we plan on implementing testing that reflects a reasonable assessment of the possible harmful elements.

9. Is it safe?

Yes. Drones are an emerging technology, and create a unique challenge for elected officials and policy makers. Because of this, we reevaluate aspects of our business plan on a monthly basis to make sure due consideration for the precedents and guidelines put forth on the federal, state, and local levels are followed.

10. Is it legal?

While many multirotor drones are designed for speed and agility, our drones are designed for stability and safety.

The only way to crash the drone is by selecting an unsafe landing location. Because the drone can land on slopes, curbs, grass, gravel, and cement it isn’t difficult to select a safe landing location near you. The laser sighting feature makes this process intuitive and fun.

The drone uses two-point proximity data to analyze the slope direction of the landing surface, automatically aligning for the optimal landing.

11. Can I crash the drone?

The drone uses a variety of sensors to navigate in its environment. The most important are ultrasonic proximity sensors, which read a return of a target wavelength pulse. These sensors “look” at the terrain below in the same way a whale might perceive the sea floor during a dive.

GPS also plays a huge role in the flight, but not constantly. The main commands for the flight are downloaded as a flight data packet over Bluetooth when the sending user initiates the flight. This flight data packet includes GPS checkpoints that the drone passes through over the course of its flight. In this way GPS is critical, but momentary lapses in exact location processing are not impedimentary.

Lastly, the laser landing feature eliminates the need for any downward facing cameras. The end customer uses the application to position the drone in a driveway, backyard, pathway, lawn or other logical location and initiates the landing sequence.

12. How can it fly without cameras?

The most recent design features a total battery power rating of 44,000 mAh (16.2x an iPhone X or 14.7x an S8 in terms of power).

13. How much power does it use?

We certainly envision a time when the delivery will be fully autonomous, but for now we want to focus on perfecting the flow of product to customer using drones, and that means incremental allowances. In this vein, the first production version of our drone will require the customer to be present during arrival and delivery/package retrieval.

14. Do I have to be there when the drone delivers the package?

It is designed to be able to fly in a light rain and to land on wet terrains such as freshly watered grass or a ¼” puddle on cement.

15. Can it fly in the rain?

No. We do not sell drones. Touchdown Delivery sells access to our Skynet on a per use basis through our application.

This benefits both our customers (who get access to drone technology) and our Partners (who also make money on each flight for being a node in our Skynet).

16. Can I buy one of your drones?

No. No aspect of the programming employs any of the deep learning algorithms or chat-bots that largely define current commercial AI.

17. Is this artificially intelligent?

While this is difficult to determine without a prototype, I am hoping to set 70 dBA as the goal. The sources of sounds are known (propeller wash, electric motors, ESCs, cooling fans), but the total effect is hard to predict.

The launching sequence also features an electronic chirp which signals the user’s retreat from the drone and progression towards launch.

18. How loud is it when landing?